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"In what way did you personally grow this year? How did you demonstrate or rebuild the resilience needed to move forward during this time? How will you utilize resources and your support network to hold yourself accountable in continuing this growth?"



I love to grow. I have loved growth ever since primary school, when I discovered the feelings of accomplishment and satisfaction that come with improvements to oneself. Rather than focusing on how others feel, change, or develop, taking a look at myself and focusing on how I have matured throughout my first year of college has reinforced this love. I believe my most important growth has been in my relationships with others. 


Coming from a small, suburban area of northern Ohio, I had concerns about meshing well with others who had grown in a different environment. In high school I had a small but close-knit circle of around seven friends who stayed by my side through thick and thin. I worried my distance from home would prevent me from maintaining those close bonds with old friends, while I also feared those same close bonds had somehow left me unfamiliar with the process of making new friends.


Happily, my concerns were unfounded. I formed a wonderful circle of college friends which, although often discordant and a bit over-energetic, I would not trade for anything. I am happy that these new relationships have not felt as if they were “overwriting” my hometown bonds. They have given me a new avenue to explore who I want to be, and how I want to interact with others.


Maintaining the resilience to continue making, forming, and strengthening relationships was a constant use of effort. For many people with magnetic personalities, keeping communication channels open is natural and effortless. I, on the other hand, substitute that magnetism with effort. I hope those who I devote that effort to notice and appreciate it, but I am glad to put in the effort because those relationships are meaningful to me. I replenish my spent effort by taking days for myself, where I minimize my interactions with friends to recharge my batteries and fondly reflect on any recent escapades. This keeps me grounded and prevents me from taking their relationships for granted.


I will continue my growth. That is not only a goal, but a promise. I am my greatest motivator, and so I am constantly holding myself accountable for my successes and my mistakes. Either of these outcomes will teach me a lesson, and in doing so I push myself towards self-improvement. Resources like this Year In Review reflection help to concretely summarize and identify avenues for growth, but I believe daily and constant self-analysis to be the cornerstone on which growth is built. 


My family and friends all support me in my pursuit of a more refined self, while also helping me take a step back and accept the flaws with which I struggle most. My biggest mistakes often revolve around simple oversights; obvious red flags and issues I am definitely smart enough to not make, but make anyway. Having that person to look over my shoulder, laugh at my silly mistakes, and playfully chide me towards growth is my saving grace.

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