Blockchain and Cryptocurrencies
Taught by Professor Michael Jones
Fall Semester of 2020
My experience in the Blockchain and Cryptocurrencies class can only be described as the perfect intersection of child-like curiosity and staunch academic investigation. I greatly enjoyed my time with Professor Jones and my classmates, both as my first real venture into the honors college and the University of Cincinnati as a whole. While I obviously learned quite a bit about blockchain, hash-based encryption, crypto-coins, smart contracts, decentralized finance, and other tech-heavy topics, I was also very glad to have honed my critical thinking skills as well. Professor Jones encouraged open discussion (and occasionally debate) between students in a constructive way that I believe will shape the lense through which I view my future college education. Class time never felt arduous or wasted, and the number of times current events were seamlessly integrated into our discussions made me glad to participate.
This goes without saying, but the Fall Semester of 2020 was abnormal at best and infuriating at worst. I was very worried that the changes made to the University of Cincinnati's operation would strongly negatively impact my education and first impression of college life. Blockchain and Cryptocurrencies was actually one of the only classes in the entire college which met fully in-person every class period, and I cannot overstate what a positive difference this made for both the class at large and me personally. Even if the decision was not in Professor Jones's hands, I am aware of his push to have the class in person and I would like to thank him once again for that decision.
Below I have featured some of my favorite work and presentations from this class for your viewing pleasure. I hope they are as enjoyable to for you skim through as they were for me to present for this excellent class!